It was good to see the plans for a new sports and recreation facility in Hook, organised by the Parish Council. If you want to find out more about the proposal, you can read more at:
There are two very different plans, but both look to enhance the community’s sports facilities and provide a clubhouse for the social side of sport too. Out of the two, I personally prefer the more traditional design of Option A, which I think is more likely to stand the test of time – we surely want a building that will still look fitting in 25 years, rather than out of date as design styles move on. What do you think?
This is a collaborative effort with Hook and Odiham Rugby Club, who would like to operate the facility. There are plans for a self-contained ‘Men’s Shed’ too. The plan is that this should help cover maintenance and running costs, whilst demonstrating the community spirit that North East Hampshire is known for.
The closing date for comments is midnight on Sunday 17th September 2023 – do have your say at the link above!