Ranil Jayawardena has welcomed new figures showing that the number of private sector businesses in the South East of England has increased by around 103,900 over the past four years.
At the start of 2014, for the first time ever there were over 5 million private sector businesses across the UK. This is a record annual increase of 333,000 businesses, or 7 per cent, since the start of 2013.
There are now over three quarters of a million more private sector businesses than there were in 2010.
Ranil commented: “These figures are fantastic news for everyone in North East Hampshire who want to work hard, get on in life and be rewarded for their efforts.”
“They show that our long-term economic plan is working, helping new businesses to create jobs for hardworking taxpayers, providing them with the peace of mind that comes from a steady job and the prospect of a brighter future.”
“We are committed to generating a recovery that works for everyone. More businesses mean more jobs, and more jobs mean that more people have the security of a regular pay packet – and can plan for the future with security.”